Transform from faith-to-faith, glory-to-glory.
Are you hungry for more of the things of God? Spirit-Led Coaching focuses on applying spiritual principles for deepening your walk with God and bringing wholeness to your life and your lived-out life with others.
"-until Christ is formed in you" -Galatians 4:19
Coaching as a profession recognizes the incredible capability of a person to reinvent themselves—to change behaviors and habits, expand perspectives, and transform the understanding and experience of their life. A Presence Coaching relationship propels you forward with power and purpose by making the application of Truth and spiritual disciplines the central focus, alongside encouragement, challenge, accountability, and celebration.
If you’re like most people, limited, wrong, or twisted thinking about yourself, others, the past and existing circumstances has kept you stuck in old patterns of behavior and habits. You may have even tried self-help or counseling, but you still can't make the move across an invisible divide to a life of Limitless Living.
Now you can bridge that divide with Presence Coaching. The powerful alliance between you and a Spirit-led coach who engages Christ-powered wisdom and spiritual disciplines will catapult you into life-long transformed living.
Engage coaching and resources in the way that best suits your needs, preferences, and most importantly, what God wants to do in your life right now.
Take this quick Personal Assessment!
What statements are true for you?
Deep down you know there’s got to be more than what you’re experiencing.
You keep having the same disagreements with family, friends, or co-workers.
Secretly you yearn for more but don’t know how to start.
Old disappointments keep you from opening new doors.
You’re tired of the same ole steps with the same ole results.
Attempts to implement change are short-lived and passionless.
Meaningful connection with others is difficult or elusive.
Everyday routines keep you from accomplishing short- or long-term goals.
Simple tasks seem like mountains to climb.
Social Media/News leave you feeling angry, disappointed, or sad.
You feel stuck professionally or personally and don’t know how to take the next step.
Any area of your life falls short of your hopeful expectations.
Everyone around you seems to be content where they are, but you long to go farther.
Everyone around you seems to be moving ahead, leaving you behind.
The goals you set aren’t moving you closer to your dream.
If even one statement is true for you, Presence Coaching has resources that can put you on the right path toward real, lasting change.
Self-Directed Content
If you are someone who takes initiative, enjoys a self-directed pace, and prefers flexibility and variety in the ways you approach your spiritual growth, this website is designed with you in mind! Explore the subscription plans and communities, video-based programs, books, and podcasts. Consider coaching and retreats to supplement when it makes sense. You will find years of spirit-to-spirit content for your personal journey.
1-on-1 Coaching
Are you wanting to take your life in a different direction? If you are leaving old things to create something new, you will enter the unknown territory in between known as the "wilderness." It is wild. It is uncertain. It teems with hope and promise. It is full of creative tension, exhilarating adventure, and preparation for your new future. There is significance and purpose in the wilderness. You will be strengthened and equipped there to step into God’s vision for you as reality.
Traditional 1-on-1 coaching brings perspective and encouragement for endurance, advancement, and getting the maximum advantage from the "in-between" place. We will work together to dig deep into specific areas relevant to your life and situation.
Group Coaching
There is a unique learning dynamic that arises out of a small group of peers. Often described as the “collective wisdom,” each person brings an expanded view on life, work, and relationships. Presence Coaching refers to that as the “Genius in the room.” Others bring experiences, insights, and knowledge that stretch and open up new possibilities in your life. Connect with people within or outside your usual circles…personally and geographically. Groups are intentionally sized just right for ideal integration and individualized attention. Request Spirit-led coaching for a group you form with your personal connections, or request to be informed of group coaching programs as they become available.
Want an immersive experience? A topic-focused retreat is a great way to unplug and focus your whole being in transformation! I am delighted to come alongside a group you gather together and customize an encounter specific to the next place you want to go in your spiritual formation.
What Clients Say
Individuals, families, relationships, ministries, and businesses have all benefited from the focused work they've undertaken with my coaching.